Friday, February 05, 2010


This week's been busy but today is Friday and I am in need of a break. It is such a huge bonus to have friends that I can message anytime and ask if they are available for lunch. Lunch was last Wednesday. The photos I will be sharing are all from Manuel's camera. My tummy ached from excessive laughter.

Mr. Kurosawa, Eastwood with Ben, IC, Manuel, Eleu, and Shai.

Manuel and I feeling very "The Hills" in my car--windows down, deep drag from our yosi, we are so VERY COOL. While he was thinking "The Hills", I was veering towards "The Wakefield Twins: Elizabeth and Jessica". Glad I got to share my drama with this girl.

COMMERCIAL: IC (and) Shai, as I have been stating in my posts, is a fashion designer and her shop, "Rendezvous" will open soon. Deets re: the shop SOON!

The lighting is very pretty. No flash from Manuel's digital camera.

There is one photo that is too entertaining and I feel like it deserves a separate entry. This is all for now.

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