I should probably keep tabs on the looks I post. I have not blogged about this (plus Bloodbuzz Ohio) and I am feeling a little bit on the obsessive-compulsive side these past few days, so now I am writing this entry at 4:30 in the morning. Piled up looks, unemployment, zero per cent on the love-o-meter (thanks to my friends, I have realized that I am in such an unconventional state), being the ditchee (person that is being ditched) for as long I can remember, confusion about my heart's whereabouts (again, thank you friends. HA HA HA), the lack of parallelism in this sentence, and I can go on all morning ranting about these things. Can life get any worse? I know I should be grateful. Maybe tomorrow I will, that is, if I wake up on the right side of the bed. So here is the look I posted almost a month ago.
"Creep up and tell me that you love me more each time you look into my eyes. I feel I know you don't mean to be mean. I'm sure you know the same for me." -- And Darling, Tegan & Sara (this song is my absolute favorite and I will never get tired of it)
Denims are back! Wearing a denim peasant dress with ruffled hem; beige suede Forever 21 clogs; accessories from Forever 21, H&M and Aldo. |
My gold and silver chain connector ring is practically one with both of my fingers. I never leave the house without it. I have another one, that is how much I adore it. |
I usually curl or straighten my hair when I go out, even if I go out for coffee. But there are days where I pardon my hands from shaking due to a flat iron's heat, so I just tie it to a messy bun--no pins, no scrunchies, no support of any kind. This is one of the reasons why I have an attachment to my hair. This hot pink rose barrette caught my eyes despite my poor eyesight, I got it in H&M. |
I finally told me Mom about my tattoo. She took it well: "Trish, it's nice! (Really? Phew! You're not mad?!) Did it hurt? (Not really) Since when? (5 months ago, sorry!) 5 months?! Wow, why didn't you tell me before? ('Coz you'd get mad!) I'd give you my post-cauterize cream. (Is it really nice? You're not mad?) Don't tell your dad (I'll tell him in twenty years)." I told her I did it for my brother and we both cried because we miss him terribly. She even asked me if there are more tattoos. I told her I just have one. I think I want another one. |
Good night!
wow...love the lip color and that denim dress suits you...
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