Thursday, December 17, 2009


I know the title is odd. It is just that I have been singing this song non-stop. It can be described as a major fail because I only sing the first two lines and then I go on singing another song.

Yes, I have been out of the loop here. But still so excited because the break has officially begun, at least halfway if you count my RM class tomorrow.

I am psyched to share these photos from last Saturday's party, the annual BC party. The photos, I stole from my friends, of course.

I got a new neon-rainbow-colored-peek-a-boo dress from Denise. Someone got a bottle of water. And one got a can of liver spread. I do not know which one of them is better off. Let me think. This photo makes my heart melt. BC parties are fantastic. I also love the theme.

This is me with Sacha and Toni. The dress that I am wearing will be out on the second collection of NeverForget Clothing.

I do not know what to think of this photo. It just shows how much of a whack my friends are. I love them to death.

Of course, there had to be a Badet series.

These are the BC girls. Two missing!

L-R: Karla, Diane, Den, Me, and Bea. <3

This would make a great finale. Everyone was so weirded out with the dedication. Diane was cramming the card she was gonna attach to the gift (I did not put any). Isn't she lucky? She got Jesus! If she sees this post, she will probably blame the Jack!

That is it for now. And tomorrow, I will blog some more because I have good news about NeverForget Clothing!