Tuesday, January 12, 2010


The past weeks have been bloody, hence, me not being able to blog religiously. I am running out of ideas plus the fact that I have not been able to find the right tune. I think I need a new camera.

Quick update: I already got a BlackBerry Bold 9700, it is beyond amazing, I cannot even explain it. Add me on Twitter: FOLLOW ME! I have long, jet-black hair.

My sister, Zia claims that she has found her new love, which is photography. Here are some photos she took of me. I took it as an opportunity to update my Chic Blog on Chictopia--amazing community, by the way. See my looks HERE!

Details on my Chic Blog, which I hope you visit!

I wore this to my dad's birthday dinner. I feel so bad that I did not get my parents their much deserved birthday presents. I have been on a massive hold up--I blame myself, I am way too impulsive. My mom and dad turned 42 years old, January 5th and January 9th, respectively. I love them to death.

Why do I smile with my teeth this way? It is the start of the year. I am not a fan of making a list of "I will not"s and "I promise to"s. Why? Two reasons--I forget them come January 2nd and I think that change should come naturally, impulsively even.

You cannot see the black sequined detail but let me describe it through my brother, Franco's wonderful words. "You look like a fish, Ish. Hi, Fish!" I said, "Hi, Picnic Mat!"

I am a big fan of red, ergo, the red lips. On New Year's, I wore a red bra, which can be seen through my shirt when the camera flashes.

Leave a hasty comment, even nasty ones--I like this!!! Cheers to New Year's!