After spending the entire afternoon with my Mom yesterday, Sookie (my sister's puppy) and I hit the Photobooth. He is too giddy, beyond it, even. He eats everything in sight--dog food, human food, wood, my puppy Harley's paws, you name it.
Look at his tongue. |
My chin probably looks festive. He is so fat, he cannot walk straight. You cannot even tell where his paws are. You know those bell bottom jeans? He has those for legs. Up side? He can wear 2 pairs at a time. |
This is Sookie on my bed. Doesn't he look extra adorable with the sleeping eye mask? |
This was taken last night. Harley cuddled next to me. Okay, I was being nice. He was hogging the bed. |
I start work on Monday. Yowza!
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