Monday, May 18, 2009


I remember the times when it was easy to say things, speak your mind without any hesitations. No care for the world because you said something that was YOURS. Eight years ago, that was our scene—my friends and I. The location of the scene: our classroom back in first year high. Speaking our minds and throwing lines at each other such as, “I hate your hair”, “I don’t like your boyfriend”, and the like would happen on a daily basis. Cliché as it may sound… College may have separated us but the friendship never faded. Surprisingly, nothing’s changed—well, except for developed body parts, which I never really experienced but let’s not get into that; unknown heartbreaks that either caused shock and relief; and even death. My friends and I have been blessed with openness in our friendship. We speak our minds whether it be about weight gain and disapproved boy toys.

Although there are times when we keep things to ourselves, we never fail to resort to a hug as an alternative. We never fail, it is still our scene.

L-R: Laverne, Karryl, Shai, Me, Kat, and Kandz. Missing that night: Karla and Con.

I had this stored in my phone since Wednesday. I love you!