Sunday, August 23, 2009


So yesterday, I felt like a boy. I took advantage of the sun because it does not seem to rise when I want it to.

I love the acid wash jeans I got from my good friend, Bea. Visit and shop HERE. These shoes, I got last week. It is my new favorite. Obviously, you cannot see how gorgeous and down-to-earth they are because of the exposure but trust me they are. Harley seems to be attached to me and I to him. He follows me around like a puppy, which he is (and I fail to keep that in mind and accept the fact the he is).

Toying with the mask I borrowed from my brother. I wonder if it would be weird to walk around with it. Let's see. I apologize with my stringy hair. I had a haircut today. Could not stomach imagining it short. Chopped off a quarter of an inch. Well, I tried!