Tuesday, March 10, 2009


It may be considered as a shotgun interview as Jewel and I have been notified two hours before our scheduled interview. I haven't made my Letter of Intent, had my picture taken for the CV, and all the disaster one could ever think of. It doesn't end there. I am bad with directions--I was just behind the wheel and Jewel told me where to turn. Okay.

Our destination is the Institute for Popular Democracy (IPD) somewhere in Teacher's Village. We went around the area for 40 minutes. Asked about a hundred of people for the directions, went to the City Hall TWICE, got rained on, which resulted in wet brown envelope and dripping hair.

It's all good. We got it! I am just waiting for the formal acceptance. He wants us to start tomorrow.

Please do not mind the grammar and punctuation. I am half asleep as I type.