It took exactly 3 minutes for my sister Zia to convince our dad to get a new puppy. Last Sunday, we finally got our little Sookie from my friends Cuaki and Ana. He is too adorable--his cuteness and sweet puppy ways are beyond words. Harley, of course, is having a very hard time adjusting to the new baby in the house. Here are some photos that I have of our little Sookie. The photos are taken using my BlackBerry.
Harley's nerves were taking its toll on me. He is too nervous, I could feel it.
This is Sookie. He is too cute.
When Harley Met Sookie (When Harry Met Sally). Ha ha.
He is a boy but I have this weird thing of convincing my puppies that they are, in fact, girls.
Slow on the updates, I know. I have nothing really interesting to write. I need to go out and get out of my room. I have been in here for days. I am currently working on a new "cover". Ha ha ha.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Posted by Trizia Lim at 11:24:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 25, 2010
My love for Hello Kitty still remains in me. At 22, I still keep my favorite Hello Kitty pieces from 10-15 years back. The most precious item I have is this pink Hello Kitty boom box, which was given to me as a present. No occasion, if I am not mistaken, I was just a good girl, according to my dad.
My latest look: Topman plaid polo, Topshop denim shorts, Mango shoulder bag, my trusty buckled boots, my Lucky Key and Coin gold-chained necklace, and Grandma's pearl necklace to spice up the look!
My boom box!
Photos by: Clara Tan
Check out the full deets of this look HERE.
Posted by Trizia Lim at 3:09:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
I have been crazy over this song. It has been on repeat in my iPod.
I may have to pay a visit to a record bar (I have not gone to one in years!!!) and look for the albums of these artists: New Young Pony Club, Watch Out For The Rockets, Love Connection, The Binary Marketing Show, and What Laura Says. I love how the music from these artists take me back to a certain retro time. I only have a few songs by these artists in my iPod and I get a little bit obsessive-compulsive about not having the whole album. I doubt that they sold them here in Manila though. I wanna invest in one of those vintage record player, I wish I could find one and my room would be perfect. Good luck, neighbors!
Posted by Trizia Lim at 12:21:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 21, 2010
Due to sheer boredom and living the life of a bum, the unemployed, the mood slacker, and the love masochist, I had the urge to try out one thing that I know I am not good at to begin with. I attempted to draw in the middle of the night. Yes, I did and guess what? I failed. Miserably. But due to circumstances of the absence of an interesting topic to blog about--and everyday, since I graduated from college, I feel the need to update my blog because, now, I have all the time in the world. It would be harshly unfair for my system to just lay around in bed with nothing to do. I write things here to keep my brain working, to keep me sane. Although the things that I write here are not as interesting as the topic I had to write about in college--I do not have to give up a lot of brain cells, or what is left of it, I am having fun.
Okay, do not laugh, I tried. These are the random things that I was thinking about last night. I want a pair (or two) of boat shoes.
I was babbling about this in my previous posts but I would like to send some love to the people who have sent me love. See, what makes this world a better place is love that is reciprocated.
I am more than happy to know that a blog entry has been dedicated to me. Thank you, Jessica! You can visit both of her blogs HERE and HERE. Thank you for the kind words. I woke up at 4:30PM and the first thing I did was checked my email: Thank you, Jade and Ginger for your comment. I opened my email this morning (after 5 days) and I am surprised to find out that some people are still moved by the story of my ink--I am not gonna be able to post links because only names are given out. I have read your comments, thank you. I am gonna keep this blog going. THANK YOU ALL, I THINK I AM GONNA CRY. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. I AM SO HAPPY. :-)
Follow me on Twitter: @trizialim
Posted by Trizia Lim at 4:44:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 20, 2010
I spent the weekend in Quezon to visit my dad. I was there for less than 24 hours--including the 5-hour ride going there and another 5 going back. It was one of the best weekends ever as I got to bond with him and Kong-kong (my grandfather). My dad is the coolest ever: "You guys wanna drink?", he asked me and my siblings last night. Earlier today he asked: "Do you need to smoke?". He does not even need to try because he already is. Best news from Kong-kong... I just have to sell my car and he would get me a new one as my graduation present. Hurrah, I need a new one.
On the other side of the fence, I am gonna post more photos of my latest look on Chictopia, which, if I may add, has gotten one of my most commented look (the other being THIS). I am hoping to have as much as a hundred votes per look. I know this is would not be attained easily. I am just wishing. Ha ha ha.
In my last entry, I said that the old AC would be my background. Little did I know that it was not only the old AC that would be part of the background, check out the clothes with the hangers (the laundry area). Humor me. And please excuse the background.
Photos by: Clara Tan
Check out the full deets on this look: Click HERE.
“We can’t live this way forever. Lying together, forgetting who are are. We could leave and search forever. Wild winds keep bringing us back to where we start where the dream light comes apart.” — Wild Winds, Free Energy
Posted by Trizia Lim at 11:59:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 18, 2010
The photos below, (again taken by Clara Tan, are snippets of my next look, which will up in my Chictopia very soon.
I have not worn this dress out yet, I just thought of test driving it. I recently bought it because I am crazy over florals.
This outfit reminds me of Phoebe Buffay but only a little bit of me. I am a big fan of black banded skirts, which you will see once I post the full body shot of this look.
This is my favorite shot. I used it as my Twitter background and profile photo. Visit my Twitter page. Click HERE.
I am trying my very best to wear lipstick every time I go out. I just find it such a huge hassle as I usually wear my hair down and for some reason I end up eating my hair--okay, I exaggerate. Also, I am hassled by the fact that I have to retouch once in awhile because when I am out, I overdose on coffee. But you know, a touch of red on the lips can make up for a very pale face.
One of the "artistic" shots from my Wingwalker look.
Follow me on Twitter: @trizialim
Posted by Trizia Lim at 12:00:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 17, 2010
I just had coffee at the nearby Starbucks with Clara, whose works have impressed a lot of my friends and people from Tumblr. Please make sure to visit her blog to see her amazing shots. Click HERE to go to her site.
I will never get over my love for thrift shops. Although I have not been in a year (my last time was during my last trip to Baguio with my friends), I still have a lot of stash of thrifted clothes to cover until my next visit. The first time I went "Ukay-ukay" (thrift shopping), my mother went ballistic. The second time I went, I could have sworn she wanted to have me on lockdown with miniml breaks during meals. The third time I went, her eyes popped out of their sockets. I was addicted--Php 1000 for a pile of used, smelly, gathering-dirt clothes. "THEY NEED A NEW HOME, MOTHER" was all I said and did not go for months. I was lonely, for a moment I viewed malls as a nuthouses, responsible for poverty. Last year, my family and I went to our annual Baguio trip (which also happens to be my birthday weekend). As I blew out the candle on my cake, I hoped for my birthday wish to be granted. The next day, I felt the luckiest girl on the planet. I went to the best place in Baguio--one huge street vomited thrifted clothes. My parents and driver were with me as I shopped the life out of the place.
This is my latest look. Again, photos are unedited, untouched but look at the bright colors brought about by the lovely world and Clara's keen eyes and amazing talent.
Inspired by yet another indie band. “Follow me to somewhere you can be. Do you know the message that you’re searching?” — From A Tower, Love Like Fire
I got this green top with gold vintage buttons for only Php 25. Amazing slide of colorful balls!
You cannot see my Key and Coin gold-chained necklace but I am telling you, it is lovely. The other one is an Elephant's Tusk gold-chained necklace from THou ADorned, which I have been crazy about for ages.
These brown fringe booties are very, very comfortable to walk in. I have worn it with an ink-splattered tank from Zara and black tights. It was not the very best idea. I was Peter Pan for a night.
This little brown with gold button detail "attache" is at Php 200. Same purchase-birthday as my top. I died when I saw this one.
I thought it would be a change to part my hair this way. I used to have really straight hair (parted in the middle, similar to this one, in highschool). So let us just leave that part behind.
Notice the old AC at the back? My next set of photos will be taken there. I am going for the pauper look.
Check out my latest look HERE.
Posted by Trizia Lim at 1:30:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
I cannot believe the love that people have been sending me here and my email. Also, it is the first time in decades (or ever) that I have gotten over 400 hits here in my blog in 36 hours. Yes, I am concerned about my hits--I have obsessed about it a little, last time I check it was 21,318 (look at it now!). I am sure that most of you are wondering what this is about... I am referring to my tribute for my brother, D.A. who passed away in 2007. I am a little bit second-guessing whether I should post the photo here or not... Maybe later. I love how I was able to share my story through ink and I did not expect that some people share the same story, as well.
Anyhow, (and since I am not posting or sharing the link YET), here is the quote that, oddly enough, moved people to tears. I say oddly enough because I feel this everyday. Maybe this quote is something that has been innate in me since 2007. It takes a lot of getting used to and once you have, you accept it.
My older brother, D.A. passed away in Feb 2007. I miss him every day. I have been meaning to get a tattoo for him. Never Forget is his tag line. “I will Never Forget the time when you held my hand, told me everything was gonna be okay; I will Never Forget the time when I found out that you wished for a little sister; I will Never Forget February 28, 2007 because that was the day when I knew a piece of my heart will be missing forever”
I love you always, Ahya D.A. I miss you everyday. I will Never Forget you.
Do you have any idea what I had done?
My cousin, Clara is a budding photographer (among so many awesome things she does--she is the most beautiful, smartest people I know... Yep, beauty and brains). Below are some of my favorite photos that she took of me and my sister. She is also responsible for the makeup and little trinkets on our faces. Very talented!

This is my favorite photo. Look at how pretty my sister, Zia is!

Another favorite photo. I have had this scar under my lower lip since I was 1. I still remember the accident. Weird.

I feel old, today marks my sister's last first day of highschool.

Look at Zia's pretty face. And Harley's too.
Posted by Trizia Lim at 10:38:00 AM 0 comments
Before I begin swamping the next entry with photos of me and my sister, I would like to share my "beauty regimen"--or lack thereof. Thanks to "Name" who commented on my chatbox, I have realized how reckless and pitiless I am with regard to skin care. My skin is far from flawless. Believe me. I have very apparent dark circles around my eyes; I have had my fair share of acne and blemishes; I have no care for my skin, in general. I have been to the derma once in my life and I do not intend to go back again. It is rare that I drink water, I do not eat vegetables (unless it is a Waldorf salad). I do not eat on time--I am filled with junk food, I love oily food.
I would, however, like to share two products.
This is what I use for my face, Avene Cleanance Soapless Gel. I love how just a pea-size would remove the excess oil on my face.
This is my favorite scent, Japanese Cherry Blossom, which I do not use regularly--only when I am in the mood.
I back-read this and realize how lame it is. I am sorry.
Posted by Trizia Lim at 12:29:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 14, 2010
"Say what you know and fake what you don’t” – Wingwalker, The Deadly Syndrome
Prints are special. To me, print on print is too much for the eyes. The photos I will be posting below are indications of retaliation. I am gonna raise the white flag and at the same time add another dash of print.
I have been wearing dresses, shorts, and jumpsuits the whole summer. It is June, the start of a new "era" for students. I miss being one--I cannot believe I just typed that. I am unemployed.
My hair is made up of really fine strands. I struggle with my hair almost everyday--as I have posted in one of my entries, my hair comes in contact with a brush or comb once a week (tops). I usually run my fingers through it after bath. Lazy days would mean that I would just tie a knot, no bobby pins needed--yes, my hair is not normal. I tie it for 5 minutes and the above photo is the result.
I went overboard with my bracelets and rings as if the print-on-print-on-print was not enough. These rings are from Firma, Pylons (my lucky purple one), and H&M.
These sneaks are from Topshop, another one of my impulsive finds. I have worn it only a couple of times. What made me buy it? The thought of it coming in handy someday.
I was singing. Yes, I sing in public. I get laughed at almost all the time because I sing at the top of my lungs when a song pops in my mind. I nod my head, close my eyes, and dance a little.
It is really sad how I am not able to jump as high as I could before. I was a cheerleader all my life and we were thought how to point our toes when doing a jump or straddle. I guess Coach Tan did not do her job well. I remember she brings a microphone or megaphone everywhere. She shouted (using her megaphone): "Okay, 5...6...7...8... One, two, three, POINT! Trizia! Again!"-- I SWEAR I WAS 5 INCHES AWAY FROM HER. I was rushed to the hospital. I spent one year recovering from ear surgery as my ear drums had to be replaced. I spent after-school hours visiting an ENT. I am just kidding. But it would have been the case because it was that loud and again I WAS FRICKIN' 5 INCHES AWAY FROM HER.
I finally changed my display photo here. Yay!
On my lips are three different brands, three different shades of red lipstick. The weight on my lips dragged my whole face down.
All photos by: Clara Tan
More deets on my look: Click HERE
Follow me on Twitter: @trizialim
Posted by Trizia Lim at 1:49:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Overdue looks that I have not posted. I am about a week or so late in posting them. Since, my unemployment awakening, I have found the time to update my Chictopia round the clock--okay, twice a week. All the photos are taken by Clara Tan, the epitome of awesome.
"LOST CITY OF GOLD" by Love Connection
Hair up or hair down, I kept this look really simple for two reasons: (1) The gold, shoulder-padded top is too amazing for me to even put a ribbon, necklace, or any color that could dismantle its very essence, which is A LOT OF GOLD (2) Try walking in these 5.5" killers, you would not even bother walking to your dresser.
To compensate for the lack of accessories, this black ribbon barette in chiffon was all I intended to put.
Most of you will agree how minimalist this look is but that is what I was actually going for.
More details of the look HERE.
"DAISY" by The Fang Island
This 2-in-1 Little Tikes hard couch-slash-toy trunk normally sits three 5-year olds. What happened? I could barely fit in it. Not that I was expecting on maintaining my little 5-year old self. What I'm saying is that I am the size of three 5-year olds. So what happened?
In detail: The studded belt is too big for me that I had to literally tie it around my waist with the metal buckle bothering the small of my back like mad crazy.
Floral dresses never fail to put me in a good place. I love how it never goes out of style. I love how I feel like I am being possessed by Charlotte.
The flats that I have been wearing for weeks now. Where is it? I may as well sleep wearing it.
This is Clara BTW. We always get: You girls look alike! And I could not agree more. We would be closer to twins if only I got her height. She takes awesome photos. Visit her blog. Click HERE.
And this is us with our goofy faces ON.
More details on the look HERE.
I will be updating tomorrow.
Follow me on Twitter: @trizialim
P.S. I did something incredible the other day.
Posted by Trizia Lim at 1:37:00 AM 0 comments